Thursday, February 24, 2011

"有情人终成眷属" and "Money talks" on Google Translate

Google Translate is increasingly popular. But more mistakes are also being found, especially when idioms are translated. One salient example is the Chinese-to-English translation of "有情人终成眷属" [People in love eventually get married], which is translated as "Money talks" [有钱能使鬼推磨]. I checked a few other languages I know, such as French and Spanish, where the translation is "L'argent parle" and "El dinero habla", respectively. They both literally mean "Money talks".

How does this or this kind of errors occur? According to Inside Google Translate, Google Translate "looks for patterns in hundreds of millions of documents to help decide on the best translation for you". Let's check those "millions of documents" for this particular idiom. Search for
"有情人终成眷属" "money talks"
quotation marks included, and the result is 31300 hits as of this writing. Most indeed bear titles associating the Chinese idiom with "money talks". But some are apparently talking about Google Translate's mistake. So to be fair, we need to filter them out. Try excluding "Google" with the minus operator
"有情人终成眷属" "money talks" -google -"谷歌"
Again, quotation marks included. The result is 26400 hits. The first hit

Album : Money talks
Chinese : 有情人终成眷属  (You Qing Ren Zhong Cheng Juan Zhu)
Artist : Zheng Yuan (郑源 Zheng Yuan)
Release Date : 1/18/2006


Xujun said...

Interesting. Did your post have something to do with Google's correction?

Yong Huang said...

Well, mine is only one of the many postings on the newsgroup dedicated to Google Translate, and was not the first, to point out this error. People report all kinds of laughable mistakes, including translating one country's name to a different one.

Yong Huang said...

Tried a few other free online translators for "有情人终成眷属". Got more laugh.

* (a.k.a

Lovers end up apart
The lovers finally got married.; All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill."

The result is in two parts. The Translation part is exactly the opposite: Lovers do not get married. Don't you think so? The Dictionary part, however, is excellent, even with a perfectly matched Jack and Jill idiom.


"The feeling emotion person becomes the family member finally"

The subject is wrong.


"Lover 终 into military dependents' 属"

Not sure how "military" is involved. This site has some web programming issues.


"Married lovers"

Stealing Google Translator's result? This site has some web programming issues.

Jonrell said...

Informative, thanks!

Ceramic tile said...

HAHA, so funny.