Thursday, June 13, 2024

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth

英语He hit the man with a crutch有歧义,既可能是“他用拐杖打了那个人”(with a crutch作状语修饰hit),也可能是“他打了那个拄拐杖的人”(with a crutch作定语修饰the man)。但在汉语中不可能造出兼有这两种意思的歧义语句。

圣经·马太福音6:19-21》:“不要为自己积攒财宝在地上;地上有虫子咬,能锈坏,也有贼挖窟窿来偷。只要积攒财宝在天上;天上没有虫子咬,不能锈坏,也没有贼挖窟窿来偷。”这段话中,“在地上”和“在天上”是语句的状语,修饰谓语“积攒”。这段话的英语一般是:Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 其中on earth和in heaven既可能是修饰store up的状语,也可能是修饰treasures的定语。哪种理解正确?

查到罗曼语言如法、西、意大利语对这段话的翻译,与英语一样,也无法区分。但德语的翻译可以,如第一句是Ihr sollt euch nicht Schätze sammeln auf Erden。既然auf Erden(“在地上”)与Schätze(“财宝”)分离,前者就不可能是修饰后者的定语。我在脸书Polyglots群问,在其他哪些语言中我们能看出《圣经》这段话的翻译明确地是状语或定语?日语如何?有人指出,日语这段话是




[增补]耶稣以阿拉姆语传道。几个美国基督徒对《圣经》一段话的理解与《圣经》的汉、日、德语翻译不同,他们中一人问这段话的阿拉姆语如何?我只搜到公元8世纪的文本:,从它严格的英译看,其中“在地上”、“在天上”是修饰“积攒”的状语,不是修饰“财宝”的定语,与汉、日、德语译本一致,与这几人的理解相悖。此时,他们中一人说“谈到语法和上帝的话语时,语法是无用的”("When it comes to grammar and God's Word, grammar gets a no-go")。

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Questionable English translation of Karl Marx's words

[English version follows]


"Then it will be plain that the first condition for the liberation of the wife is to bring the whole female sex back into public industry, and that this in turn demands the abolition of the monogamous family as the economic unit of society."
其中汉译的“妇女”是英译的wife(妻子),汉译的“个体家庭”是英译的monogamous family(一夫一妻制家庭)。难道恩格斯在主张废除一夫一妻制家庭?多年来,讲英语的网民似乎的确有这样的看法,甚至维基The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State条也有这样的倾向。

"Es wird sich dann zeigen, daß die Befreiung der Frau zur ersten Vorbedingung hat die Wiedereinführung des ganzen weiblichen Geschlechts in die öffentliche Industrie, und daß dies wieder erfordert die Beseitigung der Eigenschaft der Einzelfamilie als wirtschaftlicher Einheit der Gesellschaft."
其中汉译的“妇女”、英译的wife是德语的Frau,这个德语词兼有“妇女”和“妻子”两个意义。虽然在这段以上的文字中可译作“妻子”,但在这句话中译为“妇女”更恰当。更重要的不同之处在于Einzelfamilie,英语直译即single family或individual family、汉语“个体家庭”,但marxists.org网站收录的英译为monogamous family,意思就非常不同了,可以认为是严重的误译。另外,德语Vorbedingung直译是“先决条件”,英译为condition而不是precondition则稍有偏差。至于德语Industrie被汉译为“劳动”还是“事业”无关紧要。


English version

Frederick Engels' Einzelfamilie was translated as 'monogamous family'. I don't think that's right. The German original is

"Es wird sich dann zeigen, daß die Befreiung der Frau zur ersten Vorbedingung hat die Wiedereinführung des ganzen weiblichen Geschlechts in die öffentliche Industrie, und daß dies wieder erfordert die Beseitigung der Eigenschaft der Einzelfamilie als wirtschaftlicher Einheit der Gesellschaft."

The English translation on the fairly authoritative or at least frequently cited website is

"Then it will be plain that the first condition for the liberation of the wife is to bring the whole female sex back into public industry, and that this in turn demands the abolition of the monogamous family as the economic unit of society."

I think the German word Einzelfamilie should be translated simply and literally as 'single family' or 'individual family'. Engels was proposing that we not treat each family as an economic unit. It's possible that a careless English reader of the above translation would focus on just the phrase "abolition of the monogamous family" and assume that Engels was advocating abolition of monogamous families (and therefore calling for polygamy). That would be a gross misunderstanding of Engels. The word 'monogamous' or its noun means something totally different.

Also, the German word Frau in this context means 'woman' more than 'wife'. But that's a minor point.